
We wear many masks and play many roles, but have only one true character

Talented, exciting, versatile and undoubtedly one of the greatest. Samuel L. Jackson

Each of us wears masks. And some are so used that they never take them off, forgetting who they really are without a mask. As you can see, we are all actors. And probably, it would be worth reconciling with this fact, but ...

What if you already lost yourself? Forgot completely, what are you real? Who are you then?

Samuel L. Jackson in serious fashionable photoshoot with Tomo Brejc
Mountains walk with Samuel L. Jackson and Tomo Brejc

I am deeply convinced that we are coming to this world in order to realize ourselves. Reveal your inner world, become better, more perfect. And you can do this only as yourself, and not as a fictional character. If you still have to play roles, play them well. But when the time comes, take off your mask. Overcome all difficulties being yourself. Develop your true character and soul.

Solid work is more than rewarded, just look at Samuel Jackson
Elegant classic men's style from amazing Samuel L. Jackson
Mountains walk with Samuel L. Jackson and Tomo Brejc
Samuel L. Jackson is simply one of the best actors ever
Just be the best like Samuel L. Jackson is
Your style is expression of your inner world
Samuel L. Jackson in photoshoot with Mark Seliger

A talented actor has to play many roles, often completely different. But despite this, a good actor remembers that in the end he need to finish the game. Even tired of a series of endless transformations, he remembers who he is.

Feel the world at your feet
Samuel L. Jackson in serious fashionable photoshoot with Tomo Brejc
Samuel L. Jackson in serious fashionable photoshoot with Tomo Brejc
Don't be a wimp, be like Samuel L. Jackson

There was a time when I got rid of all my masks. This is an unforgettable moment. I felt naked, defenseless in front of the whole world. I wanted to go back to a warm and comfortable hole.

But now, years later, I can say that it was one of the most important things in my life. Now I am exactly what I was supposed to be. Now I feel the whole world is at my feet.


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